|18651802677 025-52207201 南京市栖霞区仙林街道纬地路9号江苏生命科技园D6栋203
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Anti-human IgG4 antibody (Secondary), Human, HEK293 Cells,Tag Free


Anti-human IgG4 antibody (Secondary), Human, HEK293 Cells,Tag Free: Product Information

Material safety note:

This product is sold for research or further manufacturing use only.Standard LaboratoryPractices should be followed when handling this material.


Shipping with dry ice.

Storage and Stability

-70°C or below is recommended .

Repeated freeze/thaw cycles should be avoided.


Neutral to slightly alkaline pH and h M urea asdissociating agent.

Coating concentration

0.4-0.8 ug/mLldepending on the type of ELISA plate, co-coating reagents and coating bufferJ.Suitable for labeling of functional groups.

lmmunological tests

Standard ELISA test Icheckerboard analysis of positive/negative samples.lmmunodot analyses with positive/negative samples.

Molecular weight

27.8 kDa

Biochemical tests

SDS-PAGE [purity > 95%];

Western blot with i: anti-Tumsatin/GBM antigen autoantibody-positive sample;ii: monoclonal anti-His-tag antibody.

Expression constructs

 cDNAs coding for the Tumsatin/GBM antigen proteins fused to the histidine purification tag.

lmmunological function

Binding lgG-type human auto-antibodies.


Recombinant. Expressed by HEK293 cells


GBM antigens for recurrent anti-GBM disease are the noncollagenous-1 [NC1) domains of the alpha-3 andalpha-5 chains of collagen lV.Antibodies to glomerular basement membrane (GBM] antigens cause glomerulonephritis,Goodpasture syndrome lglomerulonephritis, often with rapid onset renal failure,andpulmonary hemorrhage], and, less commonly, pulmonary hemosiderosis.

Anti-human IgG4 antibody (Secondary), Human, HEK293 Cells,Tag Free:SDS-PAGE & Bioactivity

Anti-human IgG4 antibody (Secondary), Human, HEK293 Cells,Tag Free:Synonyms

Anti-human IgG4 antibody (Secondary), Human, HEK293 Cells,Tag Free:Background


Human Anti-human IgG4 antibody (Secondary) 产品展示

Human Flt-3 Ligand/FLT3L 产品展示

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  • 南京市栖霞区仙林街道纬地路9号江苏生命科技园D6栋203  
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